Dear Muslim Men Who Support Honor Killings,


As I scroll through news headlines delivering the brutal death of Qandeel Baloch, I am disgusted but not appalled by the event that happens every other day in Muslim countries: The killing of a girl, a woman who exercised her freedom of choice- a freedom given by none other but God Himself, a freedom you all believe you have the audacity to strip women of.

The act of honor killing is quite humorous to me considering the fact that according to most cultural and societal ideals, men are the ones who carry the honor of the family. It is a man who is responsible for being the leader of the household, for providing for his family. It is a man who generously gives his last name for his wife to inherit in order to mark their love. It is a man who protects and flourishes the community, it is a man who fights- it has always been a man who carries the honor of the family, however I have yet to see a man be killed for shattering the reputation of a family. 

When God gave humans free will, I think you forget that not only you have this freedom. When God created women, He did not create them to be policed and controlled in fear by the hands of men. When God forbade ignorant Arabs from burying female infants alive, it was not only for them. Islam is the religion of justice and equality- a religion that came to reinstall humanity and peace and grant rights to those who were powerless. If you think you are above what God has ordained, perhaps you should reconsider why you call yourself a Muslim.

If you want to talk honor maybe you should take a look at yourselves first. We have Muslim men who stay out til the brim of dawn, clubbing and discarding their clothing for any attractive lady in sight while simultaneously reviling women who do the same. On Yawm-ul-Qiyamah there will be no injustice between men and women. Your female counterparts will not be punished any more for the same sins they do as you. And their Lord responded to them: ‘I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female - you are equal to one another.” [Quran 3:195]
Qandeel Baloch wasn't afraid to do what she wanted. This Pakistani model spoke against the policing of women and called herself a modern day feminist ,leaving a powerful message when her point was made: she was strangled to death by her brother after she continued modelling and posting her pictures when her brother demanded her not to. Women cannot breathe the air of this earth without being controlled by men, without fearing violence against them. It must be a harsh reality to learn that God did not create women to serve you, God made humans the creatures with free will, the fact that you believe killing women is acceptable in Islam based on what your perception of a "religious woman" shows that you do not see women as humans. God did not create men as missionaries, to punish women for Him for "Whether you conceal what is in your hearts or bring it into the open, God knows it: for He knows all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth; and God has the power to will anything." - 3:29. You do not know what is in the hearts of women, you do not know their relationship with God and you have no authority to decide whether or not women deserve to live. 

Your minds are clouded with ignorance and filth, your eyes are blinded with arrogance and God does not allow the entry of anyone with a mustard's seed of arrogance into heaven. Humble yourselves with the words of God, know your place and where you stand, know your duties as a Muslim man in this world, know what your lord has commanded from you. 

  • Men are the protectors and maintainers of women [4:34] - (note how it does not say "killers" or "Gods" of women
  • Whoever kills a soul in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. [5:32]
  • O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will, and you should not treat them with harshness [4:19]

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